Simple Feature Toggle

Having the ability to toggle will give you control over working with the promotion of new features, display features and to provide content, in time, to your audience. Toggling gives you the ability to display content in time, or A/B test features, layout and content. This allows for experimentation with SEO and click rates.  

We provide the ability to toggle by repeatable time-frames. This will allow you to turn features, content and layout on/off with a single click and launch a feature at any moment in time.

This also gives the ability to back out of a new option without having to go through the code release process, making it simple to respond to a decline in viewership or a possible issue in a new feature you designed.

Our toggles are promote-able; therefore, you can test the ability to toggle on/off in time as you promote the new option. This is a great way to give an extra level of protection and control of your product, without the overhead of developing a “custom toggling system”, which will subtract development time from your sell-able feature set.

Simple, promote-able, time sensitive toggles. It is a powerful and very useful option to support your product life cycle and updates.

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